Teaching 2010-2017 Lisa Bloom 1997 - 1999 Speaking 2000 - 2009 Lisa E. Bloom - Speaking Lisa Bloom-Blog Lisa Bloom-Contact Lisa Bloom-Bio Lisa Bloom-Speaking Lisa Bloom-Articles Lisa Bloom-Books Lisa Bloom-Home Planetary Precarity Planetary Precarity At Memory's Edge At Memory's Edge Planetary Precarity and Feminist Art Preactices in Antartctica Polar Aesthetics Polar Aesthetics Polar Aesthetics and Climate Activism: Artists Respond to the Climate Crisis Polar Aesthetics and Climate Activism: Artists Respond to the Climate Crisis Political Art in the U.S. and Germany in the Age of Right-Wing Populist Movements.” Panel Environmental Discourses in the Global South and the Arctic: Extreme Oil and Experimental Film and Activist Art Practices Where the Poles come together Where the Poles come together Where the Poles come together Where the Poles come together EJ/CJ EJ/CJ
“Visual Culture in the Arctic and Antarctic,” Presentation for the National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec. 9. 2008.