Lisa E. Bloom 2000 - 2009 Lisa E. Bloom Articles 2000 - 2009 Lisa Bloom-Blog Lisa Bloom-Contact Lisa Bloom-Bio Lisa Bloom-Speaking Lisa Bloom-Articles Lisa Bloom-Books Lisa Bloom-Home Lisa Bloom-“True North: Isaac Julien’s Aesthetic Wager,” republished in  German and English in Isaac Julien: True north : Fantôme Afrique, edited by Veit Görner and Eveline Bernasconi : [Distributed in North America by] D.A.P., Distributed Art Publishers, 2006. Catalog published in conjunction with the exhibition Isaac Julien--True north/Fantôme Afrique, held at Kestnergesellschaft, Hannover, Germany, June 23-Aug. 20, 2006. Everyday ebay: Culture, Collecting, and Desire Writing Science Jews and Sex Jewish Identity and Art History Jewish Identity and Art History Performing the Body, Performing the Text The Visual Culture Reader The Feminism and Visual Culture Reader The Feminism and Visual Culture Reader  Routledge Memory 2021.pdf Planetary precarity and feminist environmental art practices in Antarctica Archives of Knowledge and Endangered Objects in the Anthropocene Artic Archives Artic Archives About Things Loves About Things Loves Forest Law Forest Law “Hauntological Environmental Art: The Photographic Frame and the Nuclear After-Life of Chernobyl in Lina Selander’s “Lenin’s Lamp.” War Games War Games 2017 article Bloom copy.pdf Invisible Landscapes Bloom Chapter One Handbook on the Politics of Antarctica0X1.D56A580C50031P-334      ] 0X1.48P-1069         Antarctica- feminist art practices and disappearing polar landscapes in the age of the Anthropocene0X1.FFFE6BD31DEP-1028       copy copy 2.pdf Politics of Antarctica Environmental Art at the 56th Venice Biennale UCLA Summer 2015 Winter Event - antifreeze Art & Theory Publishing: When Ice is Just Ice: Katja Algert The Winter Event - antifreeze Connie Samaras Connie Samaras - Tales of Tomorrow Tales of Tomorrow- Connie Samaras e-flux Videobrasil Catalogue e-flux .pdf YBCA Brochure Far Field Article Far Field Far Field Climate Change Connie Samaras' Connie Samaras' Disapearing Ice and Missing Data NKA Cover NKA Lisa Bloom Article KT Press n.paradoxa 25 Negotiating Feminism in Contemorary Asian Woman's Art
Lisa Bloom - Articles
Lisa Bloom’s essays and articles have appeared in The Scholar and the Feminist, n. paradoxa, Configurations; exhibition catalogs on Isaac Julien and Eleanor Antin, and anthologies, including The Feminism and  Visual Culture Reader, The Visual Culture Reader, Performing the Body/Performing the Text, Jewish Identity  and Art History, Jews and Sex, Writing Science, and  Everyday eBay: Culture, Collecting, and Desire.
Connie Samara's Future in Extreme Environments: Toward a New Aestheyics of Daily Life and Survival
Polar Fantasies and Aesthetics in the Work of Isaac Julien
Exteme Temperatures: The Works of Nathalie Talec
Disappearing Ice and Missing Data: Climate Chanfe in the Visual Culture of the Polar Regions
The Aesthetics of Disappearance: Climate Change, Antarctica and the Contemporary Sublime in the work of Anne Noble, Connie Samaras and Judit Hersko
Connie Samaras: Atfer the American Century
Visual Culture of the Polar Regions and Global Warming: Data, New Media and New Problems
Artic Spaces: Politics and Aesthetics in Gender on Ice and True North
“Tableaux Vivants, Dying Empires: Eleanor Antin’s The Last Days of Pompeii, Roman Allegories and Helen’s Odyssey’ (2001-2007)” in a special issue on “Material Histories, n.paradoxa, Volume 24,  July 2009.
“Introduction”, to The Scholar & Feminist Online: Special Issue ‘Gender on Ice’, with L. Bloom and L. Kay. (7:1 Fall 2008).